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The requirements and logistics associated with hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games have evolved significantly over the last decade. There has been a conscious aim to reduce the burden incurred by host cities in response to recent Games which have left minimal legacy for host cities while still bearing great cost. 为了提高...

作者:Marc Tan



The requirements and logistics associated with hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games have evolved significantly over the last decade. There has been a conscious aim to reduce the burden incurred by host cities in response to recent Games which have left minimal legacy for host cities while still bearing great cost. 为了提高奥运会组织和举办的可持续性, 国际奥委会发布了一份文件, 题为“新规范”. This document outlines recommendations that are meant to streamline Games planning and operations for future host cities. This is further aided by the decision to relax some of the previous Games delivery requirements.

运输 is one of the major contributors to the impact incurred by host cities. 交通规划 and delivery is a large logistical undertaking for any Games city, 考虑到需要调动成千上万的运动员, 官员, 志愿者, 以及众多奥运场馆的观众. 取决于城市, 这可能会发生在已经受限的交通网络之上. 因为奥运交通系统的运营需要庞大的资金, applying better practices can increase the sustainability of a Games and its impact on Games stakeholders (athletes, 官员, 志愿者, 媒体, 和劳动力). 新规范 document addresses the importance of transportation to the Games and has laid the ground work for new sustainable transportation strategies, 如下所述.

主办城市应充分利用现有基础设施, 从场馆到交通网络, 在可能的范围内. 这包括实施以下战略:

  • Locating venue clusters in proximity to existing and planned higher order public transit lines (Bus Rapid Transit, 轻轨交通, 和/或地铁)更有效地运送观众和其他奥运利益相关者;
  • Strategically grouping facilities within venue clusters to allow for interaction between venues, 将运输资源集中到一个地方;
  • 充分利用完整的交通网络, including rideshare and taxi services in combination with public transit to support transportation of Games stakeholders. 这包括像志愿者这样的利益相关者, 员工, and spectators with a goal to reduce single occupancy vehicles; and
  • Working with local public transit agencies to promote the use of public transit for spectators. This includes scaling up service to venues by offering more frequent service with a larger coverage area to cover the footprint of the Games.

历届奥运会期间, different stakeholders had their own dedicated services for transportation which were provided by the organizing committee. 最近, 对奥运专用交通服务的要求也有所放宽, 为进一步强调以下战略打开了大门:

  • 为观众提供免费的公共交通,鼓励他们使用公共交通工具;
  • Encouraging the use of public transit for 媒体; and
  • 为不同的奥运会利益相关者提供交通服务, encouraging the use of public transit and sharing organizing committee services between Games stakeholder groups.

On-site spectator parking can have a significant impact on the road network surrounding Games venues. 控制奥运赛事的停车是关键. 一些策略包括:

  • Discouraging vehicle trips by eliminating on-site parking and implementing consolidated offsite parking and ride facilities in areas where traffic can be better managed; and
  • Investigating the use of technology to manage parking demand at park-and-ride sites to minimize impact to area traffic.

面向未来的交通基础设施是任何一届奥运会的重要遗产. However, any infrastructure built for a Games must have both legacy and accessibility in mind. 确保这一点的战略包括:

  • 以可达性为首要的交通规划. Public transit and transit facilities should include stakeholders of all abilities and ages; and
  • Building transportation infrastructure to locations that will serve communities after the Games, 提供遗产. This could include providing new higher order transit services to under developed areas of the host city to encourage development.

同时为任何一届奥运会的举办制定一个健全的交通计划, the use of communication strategies and partnerships will be important to reduce the overall number of vehicle trips on the network. 实现这一目标的一些策略包括:

  • 透过交通需求管理推行公众教育运动. This can encourage flexible and/or telework approaches for the general public in order to reduce peak hour demand; and
  • Developing partnerships with education institutions (primary though post-secondary) to modify spring break and/or March break periods should this overlap with Games scheduling and thus contribute to transportation and infrastructure strains.

整体, these are just some strategies that can be used to mitigate transportation stressors during the Games. 随着下一代奥运会和残奥会的展开, 今后的重点将是制定和实施可持续战略. 在即将到来的2020年东京夏季奥运会上期待他们吧, 2022年北京冬奥会, 以及2024年巴黎夏季奥运会.

Marc Tan, P. 英格., is a transportation engineer at IBI Group with experience in a variety of projects focusing on transportation operations, 智能交通系统, 数据分析, 以及大型特殊活动的交通规划. Marc has extensive experience with multi-modal transportation operations for large special events through his work on the Toronto 2015 Pan Am / Parapan Am Games. 泛美/泛美运动会, he coordinated and planned the transportation network for athletes and other Games Clients to ensure reliable trips. 卡尔加里奥运会/残奥会申办公司, 马克担任运输主管, leading the transportation working group and working closely with the City of Calgary to develop the transportation plan for the bid.
